Efa consultation

This refers to request for support/readings/divination/ and prescription of solutions to members of the public. A minimum donation will be prescribed.

Morbi quis neque a lorem vestibulum placerat ut at eros. Duis fermentum, risus id vehicula placerat, diam risus cursus nulla, nec tincidunt quam lacus ac purus. Vestibulum et consequat odio. Praesent vitae mauris maximus eros semper imperdiet vel nec sem. In ut aliquet mauris. Suspendisse fermentum turpis felis, ut interdum velit cursus non. Morbi at interdum nisl, quis laoreet erat. Vivamus mi arcu, vestibulum vel lobortis tristique, commodo vel nisi. Vivamus quis turpis a odio tempor mattis a sit.

Efa Initiation

Efa Initiations will be held four times in a year in the months of February, May, August, November. It is open to all.

The basic requirement is the payment of the prescribed fee and availability to go through the initiation for the prescribed period. Individuals under 21 will need parental consent while children under 12 will have to be accompanied by parents. Individuals could come together as a group for initiation, in which case discounts will be offered.

Yearly Efa New Year Festival

Observation of a Month of Silence…
Starting from the second week of May is a period of resting and meditation.

During this period there is a ban on drumming and noisemaking among the Ewes and the Gas, which tells of a common ancient practice of our people.
All bokors are expected to withdraw from work and activity and go into themselves in seclusion to reconnect with their soul for regeneration and growth. During this period all deities and beings are said to have gone to Fe.
During this time, there is reduced dependence on external energy, and you are to tap more into your inner source. However, the demands our present-day living makes it difficult for most people to do so.
Bokor are therefore advised to undertake a symbolic withdrawal from external influences as much as they can – meaning, things you see, hear, smell, taste or touch. For instance, during this period you may decide not to watch the television, or listen to pop music, or stay off meat, stay more indoors or do anything that focuses your attention more within.
Please, endeavor to do more of your meditations during this season, which starts May 15, till June 15.
Any member who can, may join us in Kedzi for the celebration the end of the period on June 15. Details will be shared later what it entails and how members based outside may be able to participate.
We shall work out a more elaborate plan for celebration from 2022 going forward. Make it a point not to miss out!

Annual Efa Safia Conference

Annual Festival of Honor:

This festival is held on the 3rd Saturday in May every year to usher in the Chietula period

All initiates are encouraged to attend to honor their Efa. Those interested may come in good time (to be confirmed) to observe/assist in the initiation of neophytes.

Prayers before Holy of Holies

Members of public who have gone through Efa initiation are permitted to kneel at the entrance to the Holy of Holies and speak their prayers before Papa Sa and Baba and give their offerings.

Morbi quis neque a lorem vestibulum placerat ut at eros. Duis fermentum, risus id vehicula placerat, diam risus cursus nulla, nec tincidunt quam lacus ac purus. Vestibulum et consequat odio. Praesent vitae mauris maximus eros semper imperdiet vel nec sem. In ut aliquet mauris. Suspendisse fermentum turpis felis, ut interdum velit cursus non. Morbi at interdum nisl, quis laoreet erat. Vivamus mi arcu, vestibulum vel lobortis tristique, commodo vel nisi. Vivamus quis turpis a odio tempor mattis a sit.

Ritual Cleansing and Baths

This aims to bring stability and harmony in the social, spiritual, psychological, physiological and financial lives of individuals. Minimum donation to be prescribed.

Morbi quis neque a lorem vestibulum placerat ut at eros. Duis fermentum, risus id vehicula placerat, diam risus cursus nulla, nec tincidunt quam lacus ac purus. Vestibulum et consequat odio. Praesent vitae mauris maximus eros semper imperdiet vel nec sem. In ut aliquet mauris. Suspendisse fermentum turpis felis, ut interdum velit cursus non. Morbi at interdum nisl, quis laoreet erat. Vivamus mi arcu, vestibulum vel lobortis tristique, commodo vel nisi. Vivamus quis turpis a odio tempor mattis a sit.